In "Aatish E Chinar," Shaikh Muhammad Abdullah narrates a captivating autobiography, chronicling his remarkable journey through tumultuous times. Born in Kashmir, Abdullah's life story unfolds against the backdrop of political...
Azad Jammu & Kashmir, authored by Javaid Hayyat-Oxford, offers a thorough exploration of the region's history, culture, and geopolitical significance. With meticulous research and engaging writing, the book provides readers...
The title "Azadi Ka Taveel Safar Nelson Mandela Khalid Mehmood Khan" encapsulates the enduring journey towards freedom undertaken by two iconic figures, Nelson Mandela and Khalid Mehmood Khan. Both individuals,...
In the 14th edition of "Contemporary Society" by John Perry and Erna Perry, readers are offered a comprehensive examination of the intricacies and dynamics of modern society. This edition delves...
"Hippie" by Paulo Coelho takes readers on a transformative journey through the vibrant and revolutionary era of the 1960s. Set against the backdrop of the counterculture movement, the novel follows...
In "History of the Modern World 1500-2013," B V Rao delves into the intricate tapestry of global history, spanning from the dawn of the Renaissance to the complexities of the...
"Islam: Its Meaning and Message" by Khurshid Ahmad Salem Azzam, published by IPS, presents a profound exploration of the core tenets and principles of Islam. This seminal work serves as...
Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21st Century 1st Edition Peace, Conflict, and Violence brings together the key concepts, themes, theories, and practices that are defining peace psychology as...
"The Spirit of Islam" by Syed Ameer Ali, published by AH Publishers, stands as a timeless exploration of the essence and ethos of Islam. Ameer Ali's profound insights and scholarly...
"Warlike and Peaceful Societies" by Agner Fog delves into the intricate dynamics of human societies, exploring the factors that contribute to their propensity for conflict or peace. Through meticulous research...